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  •   劲霸王高容量LIR3048电池规格书


      Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell Battery

      产品编号Model No.: LIR3048


      1. 适用范围 Applicable Scope

      2. 产品类型 Type of Products

      3.主要特点 General Features

      4.规格特性表 Spec Chart

      5.电池特性 Battery Characteristics

      6.重要提示 Important Notes

      7.电池应用注意事项 Notes for Coin Battery Application

      1. 适用范围 Applicable Scope


      This specs approval is applied only for the lithium-ion rechargeable cell battery produced by JBWCELL

      2. 产品类型 Type of Products

      种类: 扣式锂离子充电电池 Type : Lithium-ion rechargeable cell battery

      型号: LIR3048 Model : LIR3048

      3.主要特点 General Features

      ※使用寿命长 Long Cycle Life


      Under the condition of standard discharge, the cycle life of the battery can be ≥300 circles while with capacity ≥80%

      ※比能量大 High Power Density


      High power density makes the battery light in weight and small in dimension. It can be used in small devices.

      ※使用安全可靠 Safe and Reliable


      No floating metal lithium assures a safer usage.

      ※工作电压高 High working voltage


      Working voltage is up to 3.7V, approx. 3 times of the voltage of NI-MH or NI-CD, which reduces the quantity of the battery needed in certain application.

      ※无记忆效应 No memory effect


      No memory effect assures a constant maximum application.

      ※自放电率小≤3%/月。 Low self-discharge rate : ≤3%/month

      ※一致性好 Good Consistency

      4.规格特性表 Spec Chart

      额定电压(V) 3.7v

      标称容量(mAh) 290mah

      直径(mm) 30

      高度 4.8mm

      5. 电池特性 Battery Characteristics

      5.1测试条件 Test Conditions


      Relative Humidity: 相对湿度:≤75%±5

      Atmosphere pressure大气压力:1atm

      5.2标准充放电特性 Standard Charge/Discharge Characteristics

      在上述条件下测试:The test should be conducted under the condition below:


      In a temperature of 25℃, CC charge 0.2CmA / voltage up to 4.20V; Then CV charge.Terminate charging when the charging current value is less than 0.05CmA.Rest for no more than 10 minutes, Discharge CC at 0.2CmA to 2.75V.


      Fast Charge/Discharge : Temperature 25℃, CC charge at 1.0CmA to 4.20V; turn to CV charge; Terminate charging when the charging current value is less than 0.05CmA, rest for no more than

      10 minutes, then at 1CmA CC discharge to 2.75V.


      Temperature Characteristics : Working temperature range: ﹣20℃—60℃。

      6 储存温度:20℃±1

      Storage temperature:20℃±1

      7. 电池应用注意事项 Notes for Coin Battery Application



      Charge Section :It is recommended to use a charging management IC to control the charging current within 1C so as to ensure the safety of charge.



      Protection Section: A protective circuit should be added to the PCM of the battery. It is recommended to use the Seiko IC ( Number: S8261-G3J ), with a discharge cut-off voltage at 3.0V.



      Off-load current

      Off-load current is a critical element in the electrical device. When in the condition where the device is off-loaded and there is no outer charging power and the battery should keep the IC in a working status, the off-load current of the device should be recorded. It is suggested to keep the off-load current within ≤5uA.


      The application notes should be taken into consideration in design of a device. A well wired PCBA and a quality battery is an integral part to maintain the whole quality of the device.






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