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    IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学海外院校展览会11月举办

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    IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学海外院校展览会11月举办

    IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学展览会

    IEOSE 2024 Beijing International Education and Overseas Study Exhibition

    2024年11月15日-11月17日(周五-周日)     15th-17th November, 2024  

    北京·国家会议中心               China National Convention Center,Beijing

    一、北方国际教育留学领域重点展会!  EXHIBITION INTRODUCTION

    21世纪以来,我国大力推行人才国际化战略,秉持“支持留学、鼓励回国、来去自由、发挥作用”的方针,多方面支持留学行业发展。更多的家庭关注到孩子的全面发展,国际教育及出国留学市场不断升温。为了搭建国际教育留学服务直接获客及行业合作的展示平台,IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学展将于2024年11月15-17日在国家会议中心再度隆重举办。

    Since the 21st century, China has been vigorously promoting the strategy of internationalization of talents and supporting the development of the overseas study industry in many aspects. As a result,more families pay attention to the overall development of their children, and the international education and overseas study market is heating up. In order to build a one-stop platform for direct customer acquisition and industry cooperation, IEOSE 2024 Beijing International Education and Study Abroad Exhibition will be held again in China National Convention Center on November 15-17,2024.

    作为北方地区国际教育及留学领域的重点展会,IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学展将在往届展会成功举办的基础上,再度汇集来自多个国家和地区海外院校、留学机构、国际学校、合作办学、低龄留学、海外研学、语言培训等众多参展机构,吸引北京及周边区域广大留学意向家庭、国际学校意向群体到场参观,并邀请行业专业人士、中介渠道等专业观众到场,构筑北方地区国际教育留学领域招生宣传及行业合作的理想平台。此外,本届展会还将与第十一届北京海外置业及移民留学展同期举办,共享丰富的高净值观众及合作机构人士,实现优异的直接获客及合作拓展效果。

    As one of the key international education exhibitions in North China, IEOSE 2024 Beijing International Education and Overseas Study Exhibition, held on the basis of previous successful exhibitions, will gather many overseas education institutions, universities, intermediary agencies, international schools, language training institutions, and many other exhibitors to exhibit. The exhibition will also build a face-to-face communication platform for a large number of target families and industry professionals from Beijing and surrounding areas to visit. In addition, IEOSE 2024 will be concurrently held with Overseas P+I -the 11th Beijing Overseas property, Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition, sharing a wealth of high net worth visitors and cooperative institutions, to achieve excellent direct customer acquisition and cooperation expansion effect.

    IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学海外院校展览会11月举办

    二、展会亮点 hIGHLIGHTS OF IEOSE 2024





    ■ Relying on the huge market, based in North China, promoting towards whole country!

    ■ All media matrix publicity, inviting a large number of high net worth families to visit!

    ■B2C+B2B, facing a large number of target families and promoting industry cooperations!

    ■ Co-located with Overseas P+I, creating a comprehensive platform for studying abroad, immigration & overseas property.

    三、天时地利人和,相聚北京,共聚发展! suitable time & venue   



    According to the 2023 Hurun Wealth Report, Beijing, with 730,000 wealthy families and 299,000 high net worth families, continues to rank first in the number of wealthy families and high net worth families in China! Beijing and its surrounding areas have a huge market demand, and Beijing is recognized as China’s key promotion area for overseas property, immigration and study abroad.

    China National Convention Center, adjacent to the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, is the preferred venue for high-end exhibition activities in Beijing. As the key event in North China in the second half of the year, IEOSE 2024 will be upgraded to use Hall E5 with a larger scale and better display effect to promote customer acquisition and industry cooperation!

    IEOSE 2024北京国际教育留学海外院校展览会11月举办

    四、丰富的同期活动 rich concurrent activities

    ■Overseas P+I第十一届北京海外置业及移民留学展;


    ■Overseas P+I-The 11th Beijing Overseas Property, Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition.

    ■A number of international education & study abroad program presentation, seminars.

    五、展览范围 exhibit profile





    ★Overseas colleges and universities, preparatory schools, primary schools,

    high schools & k12 overseas education institutions;

    ★Overseas study intermediary service agencies, overseas study-related services

    (finance, logistics, accommodation and other services)

    , overseas research and research camps

    ★International schools, vocational training schools, language training institutions, overseas camps;

    ★Government education institutions , Embassy (consulate)

    六、参展费用  participation fee


       类 型 标准展台(起租9m2) 室内光地(起租18m2)

     国内企业  23800元/9平米  2400元/平米

    海外企业 $4100USD/9平米 $410USD/平米





    每场演讲3500元(30分钟),   包含:展会信息栏及现场水牌登录;


    Standard Booth:USD 4100/9㎡  Raw Exhibit Space:USD 410/㎡  ( Minimum 18㎡)    

    9㎡Standard Booth Includes:

    Wall panels on 2 sides, fascia board with company name, 1 power point of 5A/220V, carpeting, 2 spot lights, 1 information long table, 1 round table, 6 chairs, printing and pasting wall posters (two sides, each 2.48m high * 2.96m width)


    Exclusive title sponsorship: USD90,000; co-organizer sponsorship: USD 18,000; supporter sponsorship: USD 9,000; For specific rights and on-site advertising, reception sponsorship and other single sponsorship please contact the organizer for details;


    USD 600 per session (30 min.)

    七、联系方式/contact information



    Add: CIEC Business Center, China International Exhibition Center, No.6 East Beisanhuan Road, Beijing 100028

    联系人Contact person:肖老师 Ms. Xiao,

    电话/Tel:18223886891,  电子邮箱/Email:445133195@qq.com

    八、其他城市展会  Other exhibition:

    Overseas P+I海外置业及移民留学巡展(杭州站)

    Hangzhou Overseas Property, Immigration & Study Abroad Exhibition

    展会时间:2024年9月6-8日       展会地点:杭州·海外海皇冠大酒店

    Dates: 6th-8th September, 2024          Venue: Haiwaihai Crown Hotel,Hangzhou






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