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  • 德国化学公司巴斯夫已暂停其在西班牙塔拉戈纳工厂计划进行的电池回收项目。该公司表示,欧洲电池工厂扩建延迟是主要原因。巴斯夫在其 2024 年第二季度财务报告中宣布,塔拉戈纳工厂的大型金属精炼厂项目将暂停。一旦欧洲电池产能发展和电动汽车普及再次回升,巴斯夫准备恢复该项目。

    2023 年 7 月,巴斯夫计划在塔拉戈纳建立一家电池材料回收工厂的消息传出。当时,欧盟委员会宣布为 41 个清洁技术项目提供 36 亿欧元资金,其中包括巴斯夫的新电池回收设施。该公司计划利用新技术实现高锂回收率。

    目前,电动汽车电池的使用寿命比最初预测的要长,导致可供回收的报废电池数量减少。现有的回收工厂主要处理电池工厂的生产废料。由于一些电池工厂扩建延迟,以及大众汽车子公司 PowerCo 等公司建设的产能低于计划,可供回收设施使用的材料减少。

    The German chemical company BASF has temporarily halted its planned battery recycling project at the Tarragona site in Spain. The company cites delays in expanding battery factories in Europe as the main reason. In its second quarter 2024 financial report, BASF announced that the large-scale metal refinery project at the Tarragona site will be paused. BASF is prepared to resume the project once the development of cell capacities and the adoption of electric vehicles in Europe pick up again.

    In July 2023, it became known that BASF was planning a recycling plant for battery materials in Tarragona. At that time, the European Commission had announced funding of 3.6 billion euros for 41 clean-tech projects, including BASF’s new battery recycling facility. The company planned to achieve high lithium recovery rates with the new technology.

    Currently, electric vehicle batteries last longer than initially predicted, resulting in a lower volume of end-of-life batteries available for recycling. Existing recycling plants mainly process production scraps from cell factories. Due to delays in expanding some cell factories and companies like Volkswagen’s subsidiary PowerCo building fewer capacities than planned, there is less material available for recycling facilities.






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